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Three Strand Twist Dreads/3 Strand Twist Men/3 Strand Twist Locs/3 Strand Twist Styles Male
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Table of Contents
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2 Strand Twist Dreads/Two Strand Twist Locs/Two Strand Dreads (Dreads Twist)
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If you would like to see pictures of two strand twist dreads, also known as rope twist locs, click here.
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4 Strand Twist Dreads
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If you would like to know more about 4 strand twist dreads and how to make those, click here.
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Two Strand Twist for Men/2 Strand Men Twist/Twists for Men/Twists Men
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Creating 3 Strand Twist Dreads
As you may have seen in the video above, creating three-strand twist dreads is a relatively simple process that can be done at home or by a professional.
Here are the basic steps to creating three-strand twist dreads:
- Start with a clean dread retwist: For the neatest look, start your 3 strand twist dreads with freshly retwisted locs. That will maximize neatness at the base of each 3 strand dread twist. (This style is actually a good way to extend the longevity of your retwist.)
- To form a twist, start by selecting three dreadlocks with which you will form a 3-strand twist.
- Start your 3-strand twist as a double strand twist: Depending on how you want each 3 strand twist to lie, begin double strand twisting the first two dreads until you reach the level of the third dread that will form the 3 strand twist.
- Add the third dreadlock to the 3 strand twist: Do this by passing the third dreadlock over the other two dreadlocks in the twist.
- Continue twisting all three strands together all the way to the end of the dreadlocks: The 3 strand twist should be twisted in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction in such a way that it does not unravel your individual locs. If you are twisting the 3-strand twist counterclockwise, keep twisting by taking the dread on the extreme right of the twist and passing it over the other two so that it becomes the twist on the extreme left of the twist. Repeat this again by taking the dread that is then in the rightmost position and passing it over the other two twists so that it becomes the dread on the extreme left of the twist. Keep doing this until all three dreads in that twist are twisted together in one solid 3-strand dread twist.
When you are finally tired of the style and are ready to do something else with your locs, just unraveling your twists will give you another ready-to-wear style: curly locs.
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3 Strand Braid Dreads

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Photo Credits: Fresh Hair TV, Pinterest
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