Nakumatt Branches Still Open

Nakumatt Branches Still Open There are no Nakumatt branches still officially open, although there are rumours of a secret Nakumat store located above Naivas Prestige that still continues to sell merchandise at steep discounts. I can neither confirm nor deny these rumors. Might you be able to tell me more?

Kariakoo Clothes

READ ALSO: Pit Stop in Chalinze & More Kariakoo Clothes My brother tells me (as I figured out that first day) that Congo Street is the main street in Kariakoo for apparel shopping. Well the truth is, it’s not just Congo Street, but also the many smaller streets that intersect Congo Street. On our shopping… Continue reading Kariakoo Clothes

Kariakoo Hotels Dar es Salaam

READ ALSO: Kariakoo Clothes Kariakoo Hotels Dar es Salaam With all the commerce that takes place in Kariakoo, Dar es Salaam, it’s no surprise that Kariakoo has its share of (inexpensive) hotels. If you have business in Kariakoo or downtown Dar es Salaam—though Kariakoo is a residential area too—and are wondering where to stay there,… Continue reading Kariakoo Hotels Dar es Salaam