Sponsor a post on Chick About Town and have your message seen by thousands of people interested in living & lifestyle in East Africa.
Chick About Town is viewed by thousands of readers every month and is one of East Africa’s only regional blogs.
18,000+ |
14,000+ |
14,500+ |
U.S.A., Kenya, France |
Stats valid as of April 2016 |
What you get: Your product, service, establishment, or event will be reviewed in person, following which a review article of at least 500 words, with pictures, will be published on Chick About Town. The review will be featured on the homepage for at least one month, maximizing its exposure to 12,600+ unique, monthly site visitors.
Reviews are impartial, which means an honest opinion shall be given of what you offer. There are no guarantees of a 100% positive review. The review may feature both less-than-good aspects of your offer as well as its best aspects.
Benefits: Your target audience will hear about a trusted third party’s opinion of your product, service, establishment, or event; after all, what you say about yourself isn’t as powerful as what others say about you. You will receive front page exposure, several links to your website (helping with SEO and traffic), be featured on Chick About Town‘s social media accounts, and have a permanent article on this blog.
Clients in the past have included:
Email me at Biche@ChickAboutTown.com for rates and other details. Or, simply use the contact form below.