Be My Guide to Your East African City #10: What’s the Best Bargain or Vintage Shopping Place?

Shoes on a store shelf

So… it seems you didn’t have much to say about clothing stores in your East African city, or maybe you just couldn’t settle on a favorite one.

Given that most women (at the very least) enjoy shopping, this should have come as a bit of a surprise to me.

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Frankly, I wasn’t very surprised though.

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If you my readers are anything like most of the East African residents that I know in person, then…well, you don’t really do most of your clothes shopping in stores locally.

Am I right?

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Like some people I know, you might wait for your trips abroad to do the bulk of your  shopping.

Or…maybe you buy your clothes from someone who runs an informal clothing business, possibly one that they operate from home.

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Or…and I am sure I’m going to out a lot of us with this next one…you shop at one of the many secondhand markets or clothing retailers so common in our region, but given your eye for quality and style, no one would be able to tell!

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Hehehe…don’t get me wrong; I understand: the only thing better than looking sharp is doing so without breaking the bank. Which is why, today, I would like to know…

Question #10: In your East African town/city, what’s the best bargain or vintage shopping place?

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To be honest, I know very little about vintage shopping, so I won’t attempt to answer that part of today’s question. (Just as I am not into oldies or classic movies, I am also not into looking to the past for style inspiration. Why do people feel the need to glorify the past?!)

See also  Kariakoo Clothes

Bargain shopping, on the other hand, is right down my alley!

My red plaid Tommy Hilfiger miniskirt that I bought for 400 Kenyan shillings (~US$5)?

Now, that’s what I am talking about!

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To find out what I consider the best place for bargain shopping in Dar es Salaam, see the first comment to this post.

And now, I’d like to hear from you. To share your answer to today’s question, leave me a comment below in the following format:

City/Town, Country:
Best Bargain or Vintage Shopping Place:
Why do you like this place?:

As always, I look forward to hearing what you have to say!

Until the next time,

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  1. City/Town, Country: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
    Best Bargain or Vintage Shopping Place: Karume Market, Ilala (officially: Soko la Biashara Ndogo Ndogo Mchikichini)

    Address/Location: At the intersection of Uhuru St. and Rashidi Kawawa Rd., Ilala
    Why do you like this place?: The clothes are EXTREMELY inexpensive (as inexpensive as 300 Tsh or approximately US$0.20), yet if you’ve got a good eye you can find some awesome stuff. PLUS…since most vendors call out their prices, I am not limited by my poor Swahili and can get as good a bargain as anyone else!

  2. Hmmmm i discovered Nakawa Market for designer kids clothing… and when i say designer!!!! i mean designer.. i got my two boys a whole new wardrob at 150k! This lady was such a good sales lady she actually let me take a bag full for them to try on and i returned what didn’t fit! NICE. Ofcourse Owino still takes the biscuit!!!!! My kid sis comes back with new shoes and new nice clothes and we have sheets from that place as well as a duvet cover that have refused to wear out with many many washes. But you need to know where to go because there are different grades so u need like a guide! Speaking of which i should pass by yet again…. you never know what you will land upon. It is nolonger Inexpensive in my view but you definately get great quality!

  3. City/Town, Country: Nairobi, Kenya
    Best Bargain or Vintage Shopping Place: Gikomba

    Address/Location: Gikomba!

    Why do you like this place?: This is a somewhat unfair question, because the second hand clothing markets in EA are an unparalleled source of inexpensive vintage clothing. I have a classic quilted Chanel purse (sh 400) to prove it 😀 However, Gikomba requires a discerning eye to pick out the treasures from the ugly unwanted 90s era clothing dumped on us from abroad.

    I’d like to hear about other truly vintage clothing stores in EA, that is, garments older than 20years. Those would be true finds.

  4. Julian–That saleslady at Nakawa market knows how to do business! And yes, Owino takes the biscuit, I think it has some of the prettiest stuff I’ve ever seen in all the East African second hand markets I’ve been to. Your kid sis, especially, has a gift of finding the awesome-est stuff in Owino. Hehehehe…

    Maria–Welcome to ChickAboutTown! A Chanel purse at 400 KSh–now that’s what I’m talking about. I’ve heard and seen great things about/from Gikomba, but sadly I’ve never had the chance to go there myself. But as for all EA second hand markets, I agree with you: you need a discerning eye.

    Anyone know more about vintage clothing stores in East Africa?

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