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Olepolos Country Club Menu
Olepolos Menu Prices: Meat & Basic Kitchen Menu
À La Carte Menu

Olepolos Drinks List

Corkage Fees at Olepolos

Table of Contents
Ole Polos Prices
Olepolos offers three types of rooms: single rooms, double rooms, and self-catering units. Camping is also allowed at Olepolos Country Club, but you will have to bring your own tents.
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1. Olepolos Accommodation Prices: Single Rooms
A. Manyatas
Quantity: 5
Three have one bed (can sleep a couple) and are self contained.
Two have two beds and have the bathroom on the outside.
Room only: 4,000/-
Bed & Breakfast: 5,000/-
Half-board (not inclusive of drinks): 6,000/
Full-board (not inclusive of drinks): 7,000/-
B. Gorofa
Quantity: 4 (self-contained, oval beds)
Room only: 6,000/-
Bed & Breakfast: 7,000/-
2. Olepolos Country Club Accommodation Rates: Double Rooms
- Quantity: 12
- self-contained
- 2 beds per room
- satellite TV
Room only: 4,000/-
Bed & Breakfast: 7,000/-
Half-board (not inclusive of drinks): 9,000/-
Full-board (not inclusive of drinks): 11,000/-

3. Ole Polos Country Club Accommodation Rates: Self-Catering Units
Quantity: 2
Bedrooms per unit: 2
Each bedroom has:
Each unit has a self-contained kitchenette with:
- A kettle
- A few basic cooking and eating utensils
- Gas
- A gas cooker
- A microwave
Each unit also has an outdoor space where you can sit, relax, and eat & drink with friends, as well as a barbecue space where you can grill your own meat.
Residents of the self-catering units are also free to order food from the kitchen.
Cost per night for self catering unit: 12,000/-
Ole Polos Country Club Accommodation Rates for Camping
Camping is permitted at Olepolos, but no tents are provided.
Price to camp per person per night: 500/-
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Olepolos Contacts
Olepolos Country Club
Olepolos Road
Tel: +254-(0)714-032122
Hours: Monday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Olepolos Country Club Photos

Olepolos Entrance Fee
There is no fee to enter Olepolos Country Club.
Olepolos Distance from Nairobi
Olepolos Country Club is about 43 km from downtown Nairobi, and driving there takes about an hour and a half.
Olepolos Country Club Reviews
Before I made it out to Olepolos Country Club, I used to often find myself in conversations like the following:
Speaker 1: Yesterday, I had a great day hanging out with friends at Olepolos.
Biche: Olepolos? Where’s that?
Speaker 1: You’ve never been?! It’s a place in the hills on the way to Magadi. It’s so beautiful!
Biche: Oh really? What goes on there?
Speaker 1: It’s a great place where you can sit outside, eat meat, and drink overlooking the most amazing view. We should organize a trip and go sometime…
Somehow, we always never ended up going.
One day, a colleague, who had recently joined the organization I worked for, invited me to join him and a group of his friends for a day trip to Olepolos.
Keen to finally visit this place that I had heard so much about (as well as to get to know my workmate better), I promptly accepted to join the group the following Saturday.
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Getting to Olepolos, Kenya
We met in town at 10 a.m. and drove to Olepolos as a group.
Olepolos Directions
The ride took about an hour and a half and took us in the direction of Ongata-Rongai, Kiserian, and beyond, in the direction of Magadi.
A little after Kiserian, we began to descend into the plains below, on a winding road through the hills.
When our descent tapered out, we began to see signposts, all with names beginning with Olepolos.
It dawned on me that this was the name, not only of our destination, but also the surrounding area.
I knew that we would reach our destination soon.
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Arriving at Olepolos Country Club
As expected, I soon saw a signpost on the left side of the road that read ‘Olepolos Country Club’.
At this point, we turned off the main road onto a dirt path that would lead us to our destination.
We first came upon some Maasai manyattas (homesteads).
I later came to learn that the Maasai who live in these manyattas tend to the livestock that is slaughtered at Olepolos Country Club, as well as cook, and serve as waiters.
On subsequent visits, I also noticed that late in the afternoon, a group of these Maasai form a dance group and walk from banda to banda performing for clients.
When the car stopped, we saw bandas and benches spread out in all directions.
We walked towards what seemed to be the central banda and then I saw it: a most breathtaking view!
For as far as I could see, in the direction of Magadi, was the most pristine landscape: hills and plains below, a beautiful blue sky above.
The view at Olepolos Country Club sets the tone for your entire stay there.
With no settlements in sight, the view makes you truly aware of the grandeur of nature and how small a part of it we are.
It was exhilarating!
The Food & Drinks at Olepolos Country Club (Including Olepolos Charges)
That day, we sat at one of the bandas near the butchery and the smaller bar near it.
Ole Polos Nyama Choma
We (or rather the men in our group) selected a whole goat to be slaughtered, and then we proceeded to eat the goat in every form possible—boiled meat, choma (barbecued), mutura (goat sausage), soup, and ‘fry’.
The meat was delicious!
Olepolos Kiserian Charges
The bar at Olepolos Country Club stocks a good selection of drinks, but customers can also bring in their own drinks at a fee. (See the applicable corkage fees here.)
I remember on that first day, I ordered a 250 ml bottle of Gilbey’s gin, for which Olepolos charged Ksh. 180.
I am not sure whether or not that was a fluke, but that is cheaper than what it costs in the supermarket.
As you can see, Olepolos Country Club is inexpensive.
The one thing that always disappoints me with the drinks at Olepolos Country Club, however, is the fact that I can rarely get ice.
Nowadays, I simply bring along my own ice from Nairobi.
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Ole Polos Kajiado
Olepolos is not located in Kajiado. Might you be thinking about this place instead?
Photo Credit: Martyn; SlyChronicles,TripAdvisor; Ready to Trip;; TripAdvisor; Olepolos Country Club Facebook page
Hey Biche,
I love ur reviews… even tho i am not in Kenya for more than 3 days a year… and will therefore hardly ever get to see the places…. i still lve reading about the wonderful places u have visited. I would like to know tho…. are there holiday homes or people’s hmes where you can rent like the guest wing for a week? sort of like holiday homes…..But in Nairobi. Otherwise i hope we do go to one of these places… me you and my Vegetarian hubby!
Hi Ju,
How great to see you online and to know you are an avid reader of “Chick About Town”! I will try to find the information you are looking for and get back to you ASAP. I believe there must be holiday homes in Nairobi, it’s just about figuring out how to find them.
Let me get back to you.
Hi! We were just at Olepolos last week, and it was wonderful. Giant playground for kids, and so many private banda with fabulous view. Ok food and hivi hivi service, but friendly, fun, and worth it.
Just found your site and pleased to see you’ve written about some of our favourite places! Will check back!
Hi Johanna,
Welcome to ChickAboutTown. I see we have similiar tastes regarding good places to go to in Kenya. Please come back often and continue to share what you know of the places I mention (as well as tell us about new places).
I look forward to hearing more from you around here!
I love Olepolos but what I didnt like was they very long time it used to take to get your meat done. I don’t know if that has changed though. Love your blog! Going to link to it.
Hi Acolyte,
Welcome to ChickAboutTown. Yeah, isn’t Ole Polos great?! I agree with you though – sometimes it does take forever to get food. I remember one time when we actually left without eating because at 5.30pm, our food still wasn’t ready and the kitchen was offering to start cooking for us from scratch.
What that has taught me is to keep checking on my food at regular intervals! 🙂
Thanks for the link,
its the best place to party,i had my first birthday party at the place,nice nyama choma
Hi Ken,
Welcome to ChickAboutTown!
How long ago was this? How much do you remember of the celebration? 🙂
Hi, Perfect review and perfect directions. I was there this past June but what you haven’t mentioned is, while at Olepolos, did you know you see the Great Rift Valley??
Folks you need to visit it, it’s worth the trip, but go with friends, because the company is just as enjoyable while having a drink.
Hi Eddie,
Welcome to ChickAboutTown!
Thanks for the kudos and the added input! You are definitely right!
I look forward to seeing more of you here on ChickAboutTown.
Kindly give me your rates for a group of 12 kenyans?
Do you offer conference facilities?
Group discounts?
thank you. lucy
Hi Lucy,
Welcome to ChickAboutTown!
Unfortunately, I am not able to answer the questions you posed because I am not a representative of (nor work at) Olepolos Country Club. I am also unable to trace a telephone number for them online (though I did try). Might any of you, my other readers, be able to help Lucy?
Is ther any activity durn the nite.wer plannin to visit ther a nte out.
Hi Pash,
Welcome to ChickAboutTown!
I am not sure whether or not there are night activities at Olepolos. I’ve always left before nightfall, at which point it’s pretty isolated. You’ll have to find out more from the establishment. Might anyone else have a definitive answer about this?
Hi planning to go to Olepolos hope they allow carried drinks
Hi Judy,
Welcome to ChickAboutTown!
Given my late response, you’ve already probably been to Olepolos and realized that they do allow carried drinks. Was this your experience? If so, were you charged a corkage fee? Do you remember how much?
Hi Biche, please if you can tell me how much wud a whole goat be at olepolos..we are there this Sunday
As for the whole goat, although I have done this with friends in the past, I have no clue how much we paid for it. Did you get a whole goat? If so, how much were you charged?
I need to bring my workmates to olepolos one of the weekends for team building. Please email me the possible charges and what is interesting there coz i havent bn to to that place i only ear of it. thanks
Hi Doris,
Welcome to ChickAboutTown! I am not sure whether you’ve already taken your workmates to Olepolos or not, but if you haven’t then I hope this post and the comments on it can give you an idea of what there is to see there and how much you can expect to pay for things. I am sorry but I can’t give you more precise information than this because I haven’t been back to Olepolos in the past two years.
I wish you a good visit if you ever do decide to go there.
hi biche,
am lookin forward to visit olepolos this August with family for a day out. do they offer face paintings and games for the kids? what about adults? what kinds of entertainment is provided? is it only nyama choma offered there? how much is the entrance fee? pardon me the many questions but its a surprise i want to make memorable for ma family of about 15 people.
gday n thanks
Hi Shiku,
Welcome to ChickAboutTown! I will do my best to answer your questions – think nothing of them being many. 🙂
Although I haven’t been to Olepolos in a long time (because I no longer live in Nairobi), I’ll share with you what I remember. If anyone else has more recent information, please share with Shiku.
I am not sure what entertainment Olepolos has for kids. At the time I used to go there, I was a young bachelorette so children’s entertainment was the last thing on my mind.;-) Allow me to say simply that I don’t remember seeing anything particular for kids, though there’s A LOT of space for kids to run around and frolic in. I’d have loved hanging out at Olepolos as a child, especially if I was there with other children.
There’s no particular entertainment for adults either – though none is required since the backdrop scenery of the Rift Valley is simply magnificent. Occasionally, the Maasai who live at Olepolos go from banda to banda singing and dancing, but that is only for a short while. Again, IMHO, entertainment is not necessary. With good company, it’s almost impossible to be bored at Olepolos (I think one could eveb enjoy it alone! :-)).
To the best of my recollection, there is no entrance fee, and yes, the food served is nyama choma style. I know they serve chicken too, but generally it’s basic nyama choma fare.
I hope that helps a bit. Have a great time with your family when you go.
is accessible for those of us who do not have a private vehicle? Would really love to visit Olepolos.
What if i decide to use public means, what the way forward for me?
Do you offer accomodation facilities?
public means operates?
is there accomodation?
Hi Kenneth, Jeff, and Boniface,
I wish all of you a warm welcome to ChickAboutTown. I am not sure whether public transportation operates to Olepolos. Maybe you could ask them on their Facebook page–I have linked to it at the beginning of this post.
The last time I was there, they did not have accommodation but I recall reading somewhere, not long ago, that they had recently started offering accommodation. Again, I recommend contacting them directly.
Good luck getting there. If you do find answers to your questions, please come back and share with the rest of us.