Lova Nantenaina & More

Lova Nantenaina

Lova Nantenaina, born 7 March 1977, is a Malagasy film director.

Alongside his wife Eva Lova and Candy Radifera, he formed the production company Endemika Films in 2008.

Most of Endemika Films’ output has been short programming for children. The company also produces documentaries.

Lova Nantenaina released his first feature documentary Avec Presque Rien… in 2013, featuring the poverty that he grew up with in Antananarivo, Madagascar. It received the Sustainable Development Award at the Vues d’Afrique festival in Montreal.

In 2014, Lova Nantenaina directed the documentary Ady Gasy, which  details Nantenaina’s interviews with Malagasy people about the conditions in their country.

It received the Eden Grand Prize for best documentary at the Lumière d’Afrique festival as well as the Indian Ocean Prize at the International Film Festival of Africa and the Islands.

Local Guide Program

The Local Guides program is a Google crowdsourcing program which allows Google users to share information with others about the world around them.

Local Guides is a global community of explorers who write reviews, share photos, answer questions, add or edit places, and check facts on Google Maps.

Millions of people rely on contributions from Local Guides to decide where to go and what to do.

These guides are then given certified levels to reflect how much they have contributed to the Local Guides program.

I, myself, am currently a Level 6 local guide.

Eli Mwenda

Eli Mwenda is, among other things, a Mahambi Market vendor.

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